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PeopleSoft Business intelligence ( XML ) Publisher Frequently Asked Question

1.When creating a report definition can we select a psquery as data source that has not been registered?
When creating a report definition, you can select a PeopleSoft Query data source that has not yet been registered and that data source is registered automatically once the report definition is saved.
However, all other types of data sources must be registered before they can be associated with a report definition.
2.What is the name of the page used for registering the data source?
navigation: Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Data Source
3.What is schema file consists of?
To create the schema we could simply follow the structure in the XML document and define each element as we find it.
4.Can we include images in reports using Xml publisher?
Yes, in many ways
Based on this option we will remove the Report from Report repository and archive the Data to the report Archive table. The maximum limit is 999 days.
5.What is meant by purge in XMLP and what is the limit?
6.I Have a Template, and I done some customizations in that template, those customizations are reflecting in the output?
7.What is the difference between XML file and XML doc?
 8.From which peopletools onwards the XML publisher is applicable?
Ans: 8.48 onwards.
9.What are the data sources available in XML Publisher?
Ans: PS Query,Rowset,Xml and XmlDoc.
10.How do we setup add-ins for MS-Word?
Ans: Go to XmlPublisher–>setup–>Designer Help–>Plug-in for MS Word
11.What are the different output formats in XML Publisher?
Ans:PDF,RTF,Excel and HTML
12.What is the meaning of Bursting?Is it mandatory option in XMLP?
Ans:Bursting is just like Group by caluse in SQL. Its optional in XMLP.
13.Where can we maintain security in XMLP?
Ans: Report Definition
14.How to run the XMLP using data source as PS Query?How to schedule the XMLP?
Ans: We can run XMLP using Query Report Viewer and Scheduling is done with Query Report Scheduler.
15.What are the advantages of XMLP over other reporting tools?
Ans: XMLP have different datasources to get the data.
In XMLP, we can easily design output template through MS Word.
We can easily maintain security in XMLP
16.Identify the below script?
b. Java Script
c. Java
d. People code
XML – Correct

17.What is different the and XML? is product of micro Soft Corporation. it is for developing application programs. Xml is an open standard one. It is for representing data. Xml is not restricted to the particular language. We can use to represent data of any type of application. XML is common one. For business to business communication XML is Best one.
18.Does XML Publisher have an ability to use the switching feature of multi-language data entry?
Because XML Publisher uses managed object functionality, you do not have the ability to use the switching feature of multi-language data entry. You can populate related language tables by logging in and establishing a different session language. The related language table for that session can then be populated.
19.What are the formats supported by XML Publisher?
It can generate reports in many formats (PDF, RTF, Excel, HTML, and so on) in many languages.
20.Briefly Describe XML Publisher?
Oracle has developed a standalone Java-based reporting technology called XML Publisher (XMLP) that streamlines report and form generation. A primary feature of Oracle’s XML Publisher product is the separation of the data extraction process from the report layout. XML Publisher provides the ability to design and create report layout templates with the more common desktop applications of Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat, and renders XML data based on those templates.
21.What are the implementation steps involved in XML Publisher?
XML Publisher implementation can be divided into the following phases:
  • Configure XML Publisher.
  • Register data sources.
  • Create templates.
  • Define XML Publisher reports.
  • Run XML Publisher reports.
  • Locate and view published XML Publisher reports.
22.What are the categories involved XML Publisher security?
XML Publisher security can be separated into three categories:
  1. Defining reports.
  2. Running reports.
  3. Viewing reports.
23.What is XML Publisher Business Processes?
XML Publisher menu access is permission list driven and depends on permission list and role assignment. PeopleTools delivers permission list security and roles for XML Publisher report developers and XML Publisher power users.
Permission list PTPT2600 is intended for report developers.
Permission list PTPT2500 is intended for power users and provides access to Query data sources for ad hoc reporting through Query Report Viewer and Query Report Scheduler.
Users assigned to other permission lists and roles, such as permission list PTPT1000, may only have access to the XML Publisher Report Repository.
24.File setting relative to the application server?
The -Dxdo.ConfigFile setting is relative to the application server or process scheduler domain directory, which is the current directory when the domain starts up.
25.Why Report Category is required?
Report Category is a required attribute on all report definitions and Content Library sub-templates. By assigning a report category, you are actually applying row level security to the data on those components.
26.The PeopleCode XML Publisher classes also respect report category settings and read-only access rights.
27.When do XML Publisher report definition output options are reflected in the output type and output format prompts on the Process Scheduler Request page?
Only when the application process that runs the report is assigned the process type of XML Publisher.
28.Use of Report definitions?
Report definitions associate a data source with template files. A data source registers the schema and sample data design files. It is the extracted application fields from the data source files that are placed into the template files to create the final report.
29.What is mainly based on Report definition access?
Report definition access is based on user permission list security and roles.
30.How is registering Process in Report definition?
When creating a report definition, you can select a PeopleSoft Query data source that has not yet been registered and that data source is registered automatically once the report definition is saved. However, all other types of data sources must be registered before they can be associated with a report definition.
31.How can u check the format of an XML output file?
You can check the format of an XML output file by opening it using Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). IE opens the file and alerts you to any problems, such as unclosed tags.
32.What does Bursting feature do?
Bursting is an optional advanced feature that is only available when reports are run through Process Scheduler and is not intended for real-time online viewing. It is typically used when you are repeating the generation of a templated report layout many times for multiple like sets of data.
For example, generating a batch run on vendor purchase orders or customer invoices. With bursting, you can generate individual report files resulting in separate secured output. For example, generating a file for each vendor, customer or employee.
33.From where, Bursted reports must be runned?
Bursted reports must be run from the Query Report Scheduler component.
34.What is to be done in order for a schema field to take advantage of the bursting features?
It must be registered with the data source of the report definition.
35.What are Sub-templates?
Sub-templates are secondary RTF or XSL templates that are imported by primary RTF or XSL report templates. The primary template accesses the sub-template through the XSL import style sheet feature.
The sub-template files are independently stored and are not registered in association with a data source or primary template.
36.Template Translation feature is based upon?
The Template Translation feature is based upon standard Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) .xlf file processing. Each report template or sub-template file can have related translation XLIFF files. These XLIFF files include translation units for each content element to be translated.
37.Does a template must exist before it can be translated?
template must exist before it can be translated.
Template translations are not available for template types other than RTF. For a PDF report, there must be multiple PDF templates registered to the report, one for each locale or language as required.
38.Do related prompts appear?
If a query is run through Reporting Tools, Query, Schedule Query, the XML Publisher-related prompts do not appear. Only the basic table-formatted query results are generated.
39.How to Insert the Image in XML Publisher?
It is advised to use the Microsoft Word Insert menu option to insert the image, as the additional properties that need to be set for the RTF template to correctly generate reports with those images are automatically set by using this method. Additionally, dragging and dropping an image onto a template creates a link to the local machine being used and may cause problems when the report is generated.
The user has to be online to access the image referenced in the URL.
40.XMLP report data sources can be?
XML file
41.XMPL reports cannot have multiple templates
42.What are the Template types?
43.What are the Report output types?
44.What is the file which Xml publishers’ global engine settings are defined?
Xml publishers’ global engine settings are defined in the xdo.cfg file
45.What are the steps involved in creating XML?
Data sourceà generate xml and schema filesà load xml file to templateà create report definition (declare template type)àupload template fileà setting the properties for security purpose (setting report categories ID)à viewing output
46.How do mail your report output?
Reporting toolà xml publisherà query report schedulerà Run button (Distribution) we can view the mail.
47.What is E-text?
An E-Text template is an RTF-based template that is used to generate text output for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). At runtime, BI Publisher applies this template to an input XML data file to create an output text file that can be transmitted to a bank or other customer.
48.How to generate E-text report and what are the steps involved in it?
Data sourceà generate xml and schema filesà load xml file to templateà create report definition (declare E-text template type)àupload template fileà setting the properties for security purpose (setting report categories ID)à viewing output
49.What is Header record in E-text why it is used?
50.How do you schedule your query, other than Query Report Scheduling?
Through App engine or Peoplecode we scheduling.
Import Application Packages, PSXP_MALGEN this is used for generate xml scheme file and xml date file.
51.Did u use charts in your template?
Add-In à temple builder à Insert àcharts
52.What is an EFT?
An EFT is an electronic transmission of financial data and payments to banks in a specific fixed-position format flat file (text).
53.Define few E-text template Reports?
IBYDE_D_DEENà German Domestic payment
IBYDE_FR_ENà French EFT Payments
IBYDE_F_DEENà German International EFT payments
IBYDE_F_NLENà Netherlands International EFT
IBYDE_Z_JPENà Japanese Zengin Format
54.Where is the xml publisher report output available?
All the xml publisher report outputs are available in Report Manger, not in Process Monitor.
55.The Primary feature of Oracle XMPL Separation of the Data Interaction process from report layout.
56.The presentation logic and data logic need not to be same
It can dramatically reduces the report maintenance; it enables the power business users to adjust the report templates.
57.What are the steps involved in Setup XML publisher?
Define XMLP settings
Setup XMLP permission list security
Setup Report manager
Define Report categories, including report definition editor security
Download design plug-ins to facilitate the offline template design activity.
58.What are the Data sources that we create and register?
The data sources can be:
PS-Query, Rowset, peoplecode, XMLDoc and XML file.
In case of PS-Query, the system by default generates the XML file and schema file.
59.How do we create and Upload Report Template?
Here we can use either MS-Word or adode to develop and maintain custom report formats.
60.What are the template formats?
The template formats are: .RFT, PDF, .XLS, .XSLT
After the creation of template files, we need to load the “XML file”, and then only we can design our report.
61.Define XML Publisher report?
In the report definition Tab, we need to set the report status should be active, report category ID and object owner ID and we need to choose the template types.
62.What are the processes preferred for XML file?
XML file is the preferred data source for lager process such as paychecks, rowset and xml doc have performance/memory limitations, and we can use this only for small reports.
63.What are the Application packages of xml publishers?
64.What are the options for creating fields in RTF & PDF Format?
RTF: For- each syntax repeating the group of elements
Template – Field
Form – Field
Form – Field
Xml – data field
PDF: Two options for creating fields here
  1. Manual creation and we can map that fields top XML data.
  2. Create fields with same name as XML elements.
65.What are the Publisher Classes?
Report Manager Definition class
Report Manager Search class
XML Generation class
XML publisher engine class
Note:-The Xml publisher report output
66.XMLP Global Engine settings are defined in which file?
XMLP Global Engine settings are defined in xdo.cfg file, which is located at
67.What are the Permission lists for XML Publisher?
PTPT2600 this only for Developer, which will give an access to all XMLP Component including buffing feature also.
PTPT 2500 this is only for power users, it will provide the access to query data sources for Ad-hoc reporting, this also provide the access to report definition, Bursting feature is view only.
PTPT1000: This will give the access to access the report repository.
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