This blog post we will discuss about Practical Examples of Peoplesoft SQR Load Lookup. My goal is how we use SQR Load lookup in in SQR Files.So Let’s start to look some live examples of SQR Load Lookup.
As we know in PeopleSoft some column (e.g SEX , EMPL_STATUS etc) values are came from PSXLATITEM – Translate Value Items and they are Effective Dated.So in order to select them we have to write query.As s common practices i have written SQR procedure that is not helpful but also reusable. Note Dynamic SQL has used here.
!*************************************************************** Begin-Procedure Select_Data_From_XLAT($FieldNameInput, :$Where) !*************************************************************** if Not IsBlank($FieldNameInput) and RTrim($FieldNameInput,' ') <> '' Let $Where = 'FIELDNAME=''' || $FieldNameInput || ''' ' Let $Where = $Where || 'AND EFFDT = ' Let $Where = $Where || '( SELECT MAX(PSXLATITEMTBL.EFFDT) FROM PSXLATITEM PSXLATITEMTBL WHERE PSXLATITEMTBL.FIELDVALUE = PSXLATITEM.FIELDVALUE AND PSXLATITEMTBL.FIELDNAME = PSXLATITEM.FIELDNAME AND PSXLATITEMTBL.EFFDT <= ''' || $_current-date || ''' )' Let $Where = $Where || 'AND EFF_STATUS = ''A''' !#debug show $Where end-if End-Procedure
So when we use SQR Load Lookup then in Where Condition we can easily make the conditions,Look at the examples.
Load Lookup should be used on Begin-Program section , but would personally recommend to use on that way
!***************** Begin-Program !**************** do Init_Report end-program
!**************************** Begin-Procedure Init_Report !**************************** Do Stdapi-Init ! Call all the Load Lookup here Do Load_Country_Full_Name_Array End-Procedure
!************************************************* Begin-Procedure Load_Country_Full_Name_Array !************************************************* load-lookup name=country_full_name Table = 'PS_COUNTRY_TBL' Key = 'COUNTRY' Return_Value = 'DESCR' Where = 1=1 End-Procedure
Load SEX full name and Get Value
!Call and Build the condition Do Select_Data_From_XLAT('SEX',$build_where_condition) load-lookup name=sex_full_name Table = 'PSXLATITEM' Key = 'FIELDVALUE' Return_Value = 'XLATLONGNAME' Where = $build_where_condition
lookup sex_full_name &B.Sex $XLATLONGNAME If Not IsNull ($XLATLONGNAME) let $Descr = Rtrim($XLATLONGNAME,' ') end-if print $Descr
Load Employee Status and Get Value
Do Select_Data_From_XLAT('EMPL_STATUS',$build_where_condition) load-lookup name=empl_status_full_name Table = 'PSXLATITEM' Key = 'FIELDVALUE' Return_Value = 'XLATSHORTNAME' Where = $build_where_condition
lookup empl_status_full_name &A.EMPL_STATUS $XLATLONGNAME If Not IsNull ($XLATLONGNAME) let $Descr = Rtrim($XLATLONGNAME,' ') end-if print $Descr
Load Country Full Name and Get Value
load-lookup name=country_full_name Table = 'PS_COUNTRY_TBL' Key = 'COUNTRY' Return_Value = 'DESCR' Where = 1=1
lookup country_full_name &B.COUNTRY $DESCR If Not IsNull ($DESCR) let $DescrVal = Rtrim($DESCR,' ') end-if print $DescrVal
Load Benefit Plan Type and Get Value
Do Select_Data_From_XLAT('PLAN_TYPE',$build_where_condition) load-lookup name=TblPlanTypes rows=50 table=PSXLATITEM key=FIELDVALUE return_value=XLATSHORTNAME where=$build_where_condition
LOOKUP TBLPLANTYPES $LookupVal $Out If Not IsNull ($Out) let $DescrVal = Rtrim($Out,' ') end-if print $DescrVal
Load Benefit Options Type and Get Value
Do Select_Data_From_XLAT('OPTION_TYPE',$build_where_condition) load-lookup name=TblOptTypes rows=10 table=PSXLATITEM key=FIELDVALUE return_value=XLATSHORTNAME where=$build_where_condition
LOOKUP TBLOPTTYPES $LookupVal $OptionType If Not IsNull ($OptionType) let $DescrVal = Rtrim($OptionType,' ') end-if print $DescrVal
Load Benefit Cost Type and Get Value
Do Select_Data_From_XLAT('COST_TYPE',$build_where_condition) load-lookup name=TblCostTypes rows=10 table=PSXLATITEM key=FIELDVALUE return_value=XLATSHORTNAME where=$build_where_condition
LOOKUP TBLCOSTTYPES $LookupVal $CostType If Not IsNull ($CostType) let $DescrVal = Rtrim($CostType,' ') end-if print $DescrVal
Load Company Descriptions & Get Value
!Building Where Condition with Dynamic SQL Let $Where_Base_Company_Descr = ' AND CD.EFFDT = (SELECT MAX(CD1.EFFDT) FROM PS_COMPANY_TBL CD1 ' || ' WHERE CD1.COMPANY = CD.COMPANY ' || ' AND CD1.EFFDT <= ''' || $AsOfDate || ''')' #Debug show $Where_Base_Company_Descr Load-Lookup name = Base_Company_Descr Table = 'PS_COMPANY_TBL CD' Key = 'CD.COMPANY' Return_Value = 'CD.DESCR' Where = $Where_Base_Company_Descr
Lookup Base_Company_Descr $Ctl_Company $Return_Val If Not Isnull ($Return_Val) let $Cpdescr = rtrim($Return_Val,' ') end-if
To be continued…..
How to use multiple Columns in where and in Select clause in Load- Lookup
Code will run in SQL Server,change as per you need , You can change return value to ‘col1+’||’;’||’col2′ if require to select multiple columns
!load lookup for department
name = deptid
rows = 20000
table = 'PS_DEPT_TBL DEPT'
return_value = 'DEPT.DESCR'
where = $where
calling :
let $search = $SETID_DEPT || $DEPTID
lookup deptid $search $ret_val
Nice article. I have some questions. which tool should I use for SQR coding? How can I create an SQR file? Can I debug SQR code, If yes, how can I do that?