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Create A Simple AWE PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft AWE ( Approval Workflow Engine ) aka Approval Framework is part of PeopleTools Enterprise Component.
In this article will discuss detailed guideline of creating sample AWE workflow.

Sample AWE Process Flow


This Sample AWE Workflow contains 4 Parts.

  1.  Part 1 – Contains Record , Component , Pages & Menu Creation ( This Part )
  2.  Part 2 – Contains AWE Transaction Registration , Configuration , Approval Process & Generic Template Setup in thru PeopleSoft Portal  ( Create A Simple AWE PeopleSoft Part – 2 )
  3.  Part 3 – Contains Testing & Demonstration AWE Workflow in PeopleSoft with different User ( Create A Simple AWE PeopleSoft Part – 3 )
  4. Part 4 – Contains Necessary Record , Component Record , Application Packages PeopleCode that need to write for AWE Workflow ( Create A Simple AWE PeopleSoft Part – 4 )

So Lets Start. Project can be share upon request , you need to like our Facebook page DBTutorBlog  then share your email address i will mail you.

Version that is used in this sample awe project PeopleTools 8.51.25 , Application Release HRMS 9.1 , Database – Oracle.
This Articles will not describe why to Use PeopleSoft Approval Framework instead of legacy workflow are requested to follow PeopleBook Documentation. Here is the link – Approval Framework




















































































Please Follow AWE Workflow Other 4 Parts.

  1. Part 2 – Contains AWE Transaction Registration , Configuration , Approval Process & Generic Template Setup in thru PeopleSoft Portal ( Create A Simple AWE PeopleSoft Part – 2 )
  2. Part 3 – Contains Testing & Demonstration AWE Workflow in PeopleSoft with different User ( Create A Simple AWE PeopleSoft Part – 3 )
  3. Part 4 – Contains Necessary Record , Component Record , Application Packages PeopleCode that need to write for AWE Workflow ( Create A Simple AWE PeopleSoft Part – 4 )

Hope this helps 🙂

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Create A Simple AWE PeopleSoft Part – 2
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25 comments on “Create A Simple AWE PeopleSoft

  1. thanks for explaining the AWE concept in simple and structured way.

    just wanted to check below things:

    1. How many maximum Stages, Paths and Steps can we used in single AWE process?
    2. What are the main records used in the AWE and how to check status of transaction through DB?

    Raj Kalantre

  2. Superb tutirial, very detailed and clear with each single steps. I am able to create my AWE in first attempt only with the help of this tutorial. Thank you so much !

  3. Love u dbtutor, you have done great job, it’s very detailed and I haven’t faced any errors, it’s a great feat.

    God bless you.
    Thank You Very Much

  4. Congratulations, on a very good work. Thank you for creating it. I am using your instructions to learn the new AWE process. One problem I have is the missing SQL statement for SQL Object: ZZ_AWE_Email_Tmpl_Bind.
    Your instructions tell me to use this object, but nowhere I can find the SQL statement. Could you please reply to my email. Thank you in advance. Rick.

  5. Can you please suggest how can i implement the comments field on the page and when user enter in the comments automatically show up on the aprpoval monitor?

  6. Hi,

    Really appreciate the effort to put in for every one benefit.

    I just followed the steps to create the sample AWE, Looks like peoplecode didn’t mention here. Can you please let me know where can i find those details?


  7. Hi,

    Really appreciate the effort to put in for every one benefit.

    I just followed the steps to create the sample AWE, Looks like peoplecode didn’t mention here. Can you please let me know where can i find those details?


  8. I have complted all steps and in final while doing the transaction in PIA i got the above error,Please help me.
    Thanks in Advance.

  9. Hi ,
    I am getting below error,please help me.

    Fetching array element 1: index is not in range 1 to 0. (180,252) PTAF_CORE.DEFN.AWTxn.OnExecute Name:header PCPC:396 Statement:14
    Called from:PTAF_CORE.ApprovalManager.OnExecute Name:ApprovalManager Statement:13
    Called from:CH_AWE_HDR.GBL.PostBuild Statement:5

    While fetching the value of an array element, the index was not within the length of the array.

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